
Securing Rapid App Development: How iLeap Tackles the Top 10 Low-Code Risks

October 9, 2024 / Application Development, Digital Transformation, Low-Code, RPA,

In today’s fast-moving digital world, low-code application development platforms are transforming the game, helping companies build enterprise-class apps within weeks without needing traditional coding knowledge. But, while these low-code platforms are great for speeding up development, they also come with few security risks like data leaks, unauthorized access, and vulnerabilities in 3rd party components.

That’s where iLeap comes in. Not only does iLeap help you build applications faster, but it also has top-notch security features built right in to tackle the most common security risks. In this guide, we’ll walk through the top 10 security risks in low-code development and show how iLeap’s advanced security tools and strategies keep your applications safe & secure.

1. Account Impersonation

A major concern in low-code environments is account impersonation. This happens when attackers pretend to be the application owner or developer. For example, if a developer connects to a database using admin credentials, all users might access data using the same high-level permissions. This opens the door to unauthorized access or privilege escalation.

How iLeap Handles It:

iLeap prevents this with a solid User Management system that controls who can do what, so no one gets access beyond their role. And if someone tries to act suspiciously, iLeap keeps a log of user activities, making it easier to track down and resolve any unauthorized actions. On top of that, iLeap supports two-factor authentication (2FA), which adds an extra layer of security during user login, making it harder for attackers to impersonate legitimate users.

2. Misuse of Authorization

Authorization misuse happens when someone gets more access than they ideally should. This could be due to a developer accidentally leaving open API connections or granting excessive permissions that could allow users to access restricted data or functions.

How iLeap Handles It:

iLeap’s role-based access control (RBAC) ensures that permissions are tightly controlled and regularly reviewed. With features like Single Sign-On (SSO) and OAuth standards, iLeap helps simplify user access across multiple applications without opening unnecessary access points. This means users only get the access they need—nothing more.

3. Data Leaks and Unintended Sharing

Data leaks can happen when workflows or integrations accidentally share sensitive information with unintended systems. For instance, data might move between applications in ways developers didn’t foresee, creating risks of exposure.

How iLeap Handles It:

iLeap reduces this risk by offering a visual Business Process Composer that gives you control and visibility over how data flows between systems. The Platform also uses the Business Activity Monitor to track & monitors business data in real-time, ensuring that sensitive information stays protected. Moreover, HTTPS/SSL encryption is enforced across all iLeap applications, securing any data in transit.

4. Weak Authentication and Insecure Communication

Weak authentication or poorly secured communication channels can leave data exposed as it travels between systems, making it vulnerable to interception.

How iLeap Handles It:

iLeap uses strong authentication protocols like two-factor authentication (2FA) and Single Sign-On (SSO) user authentication mechanism to ensure that users are properly verified before accessing any system. Plus, iLeap enforces HTTPS/SSL encryption for all web-based applications and emails generated by workflows, making sure data remains secure while being transmitted. A system-wide setting allows you to enforce HTTPS/SSL encryption for all web applications as well as email notifications generated by the workflows during user sessions. By using secure Web Services (SOAP, REST), iLeap also ensures that any data exchanged between systems is well protected.

5. Security Misconfigurations

Misconfigurations—like using default settings or leaving parts of the system exposed—are common issues that can leave your application vulnerable. This can lead to oversharing or leaving important data accessible to unauthorized users.

How iLeap Handles It:

iLeap helps prevent these issues by offering well-defined platform configuration guidelines and centralized control. Security best practices are built into the system, making sure that applications are properly set up from the start. Regular reviews of configurations ensure that everything is secure, reducing the likelihood of misconfiguration.

6. Injection Attacks

Low-code platforms that accept user input can be vulnerable to injection attacks, where malicious users input harmful code that affects the system—like deleting records or corrupting data.

How iLeap Handles It:

iLeap’s Business Rules Engine plays a crucial role in reducing injection attacks by sanitizing user inputs before processing them. Developers can set up validation rules to ensure only safe, validated inputs make it through, protecting the system from harmful code.

7. Vulnerable Components

Low-code platforms often rely on third-party components or integrations, and if these aren’t properly secured, they can introduce vulnerabilities into the system. 

How iLeap Handles It: 

iLeap ensures the safety of components with its plug-in architecture, which only integrates with trusted systems. Every implementation of iLeap Cloud uses a unique access token for added security during data transactions. Additionally, iLeap has been tested at Microsoft’s Global Competency Centre, ensuring it meets enterprise-level security mechanisms.

8. Poor Data and Secrets Management

Sensitive information, like API keys and passwords, might be stored in ways that aren’t secure. If these credentials are hardcoded into applications or left unencrypted, they can be easily exploited.

How iLeap Handles It:

iLeap takes data security seriously by using AES-256 encryption—a strong industry-standard encryption method. All sensitive user information, like Social Security Numbers and email addresses, are encrypted to ensure its safety and security. Even files and documents attached within iLeap are stored in encrypted form to protect them from unauthorized access.

9. Unmanaged or Forgotten Applications

Low-code platforms make it easy to create applications, but if they aren’t monitored or maintained, they can become security risks. Unmanaged or forgotten apps can leave behind security holes that attackers can exploit.

How iLeap Handles It:

iLeap’s Business Activity Monitor helps you track all applications and ensure that none are left unmanaged. This means that even as you build quickly, you don’t lose track of what’s running. It also enables continuous monitoring, so no application falls through the cracks.

10. Inadequate Logging and Monitoring

Without proper logging and monitoring, it’s hard to spot security threats or troubleshoot issues when things go wrong. Missing or insufficient logs can prevent you from seeing who did what within the system.

How iLeap Handles It:

iLeap comes with an audit trail feature through which you can view & monitor the application logs for configured events (error, warning, or information) recorded during user sessions in each repository. These detailed application logs can then be used for troubleshooting & debugging purposes ensuring any suspicious activity is spotted and responded to quickly, and related logs are securely stored for further audits and reviews.

ILeap’s Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) feature provides insights into runtime data and instance-level errors. If a runtime error occurs in the workflow, the platform will automatically send an e-mail notification regarding the error. Additionally, BAM allows you to re-trigger failed instances or revert the workflow to a previous stage. Lastly, the Debugger feature in Forms helps developers find form-level audit trails and diagnose errors directly within the form itself.

Wrapping It Up

Low-code platforms are fantastic for speeding up application development, but they do come with their own set of security challenges. iLeap takes these risks seriously and has built strong security features into its platform to help businesses develop & deploy enterprise class applications securely. From advanced authentication methods to industry-standard encryption methods, iLeap ensures your applications are safe without slowing down your development process.

Ready to Secure Your Development with iLeap?

Don’t let security concerns hold back your digital transformation goals! Contact Us today to learn how iLeap can help you build fast, scalable, and secure applications that keep your data safe at every step.

Leverage iLeap’s low-code platform today for your next project! Get in touch with iLeap now!