
A Complete Guide to Low Code Development for 2024 

January 22, 2024 / Automation, Evaluation, iLeap, Low-Code,

The low Code sector, given the rising competition in the contemporary market, is about to witness huge growth. Industry experts have predicted that:

  • Low Code tools will power over 65% of application development by 2024. Additionally, 70% of new business applications will be Low Code-based by 2025. 
  • Low Code platforms will curtail app development time by 90%. 
  • The industry is estimated to reach $36.43 billion by 2027. 

The figures suggest that going into 2024 and onwards, Low Code will continue to be an enabler of innovation as it has been over the yearsTo boost new product development in 2024, low-code technology is set to overcome some of the key challenges it has been posing. Thus, before we dive into the app-building process, let’s discuss, in this blog, some common Low Code challenges that many businesses face. 

Common Low-Code Development Challenges to Overcome in 2024

Seeking to implement Low Code application development in 2024? Knowing these challenges will help you to choose the right platform:

  • Lack of Customization in Visual Development
  • Vendor Lock-in
  • Poor Solution-to-Solution Connection

Now that we have outlined the Low Code hurdles, we’ll explore Low Code advancements you should consider as you gear your innovation as per the demands of the 2024 market.

Leverage Open-source Low Code- Stay Ahead of the Curve

For many, the implementation of the Low Code means completely avoiding making any tweaks in the vendor’s code. However, that is far from the truth. The more complex and niche one’s product is, the more coding changes to the source code are involved in the development process. As a result, any form of vendor lock-in in terms of the ability to make changes in the code can be a big problem. This roadblock becomes particularly evident when one shifts platforms due to a lack of compatibility between the project and the platform. Imagine a situation when the poor customizability of the platform you are on has made it difficult to complete a half-done project.

Would you start over due to vendor lock-in? Or continue the same platform, compromising on the project? 

The answer is to choose a more agile Low Code platform instead, which is open-sourced. The following are the main advantages of open-source Low Code: 

  • What makes open-source Low Code such a sought-after step to take is the flexibility it comes with. Also, retrieving, transferring, and managing data across platforms is easier with open-source Low Code, preventing vendor lock-in. 
  • Personalizing open-source Low Code makes it easier to change the source code, leading to faster app creation. Similarly, while making a hyperspecialized product, developers are required to consider constant feedback from domain experts. Thus, the easy-to-alter open-source code makes it is to collaborate across departments. 
  • The cost of accessing open-source code is relatively more economical. To elaborate, by avoiding vendor lock-in while using a platform, the business can negotiate prices and SLAs better.  
  • These negotiations benefit both the vendor as well. With lowered prices, the platforms can serve more clients who are drawn by the affordable service. 

Fully Customizable Low Code Templates: Drive Innovation with Enhanced Drag-and-drop

While open-source templates can make the development process more flexible, they don’t fully address all the challenges that innovation poses. The reason people choose one Low Code platform over the other is because it offers more domain-specific template options. Here are some major capabilities of the Drag-and-drop feature of Low Code platforms that fuel innovation: 

  • Niche Visual Development helps enterprises go beyond just rapid project deployment. Combined with open-source Low Code, fully customizable domain-specific templates make it easier to differentiate the project from the competitors via unique features. 
  • Fully customizable designs make it easy to standardize the app design. One no longer has to code heavily to match every feature’s template after the UX design has been fixed. With easy-to-change templates, it’s possible to provide a seamless app CX, without any hassle.  
  • Much like open-source codes, the personalized templates make the app more adaptable, streamlining compliance for regulation-heavy apps such as finance apps. 
  • Given that templates must be personalized as opposed to being created afresh, the company’s IT efforts are reduced. This means there will not only be fewer backlogs, but also lesser hours clocked by the IT teams, leading to limited workforce expenses. 

Establishing Smooth Connectivity- Improve Intelligent Performance with Low-Code

Unified UX aside, Low Codes need to increasingly offer easy integrations. Enterprises today need to make real-time decisions based on the latest advancement in the field. However, the major challenge is not adaptability to the change but rather the know-how surrounding the change. This is exactly what integrations such as RPA, AI, ML, and APIs help with. 

Here’s are some pointers how Low Code apps with integrations can be useful: 

  • Take, for example, a business that needs to upgrade its workflow to meet the latest industry standards of efficiency. The developers and the domain specialists may not have the foresight to understand the improvements required. However, feeding in the industry information into an AI & ML-powered platform can help simulate an enhanced workflow. 
  • Business Rule Engines can be easily updated to the latest compliance needs with AI and ML and RPA tools. Therefore, meeting compliance is no longer time-consuming. The intelligent performance of the Low Code platform doesn’t just give smart suggestions but also automates implementation. 
  • These integrations have made future-proofing one’s business process easier than ever. Though domain experts often can predict factors of market changes, their analysis often proves to be difficult to implement. This is because there are heavy IT costs involved in the development process. Using AI, one can easily apply an agile workflow by taking possible future changes into consideration. 
  • Using Generative AI’s natural language model for coding is boosting the Visual Development of Low Code platforms. 
  • Innovative solutions, being muti-faceted, need to communicate effortlessly with other solutions. This requires the Low Code platform to allow efficient API integration. 

In conclusion, Low Code’s growth in 2024 is driven by open-source codes, customizable templates, and seamless software and tech integrations that help innovation. Let’s see how iLeap is addressing these market demands. 

Effortlessly Adopting to Low Code with iLeap

Are you looking for a comprehensive Low Code platform that will entail the Low Code advancements discussed in this blog? Then, you should note that iLeap is one of few comprehensive platforms in the market that: 

  • Seamlessly integrates AI, ML, and RPA tools, enabling process automation and intelligent decision-making, 
  • Streamlines solution-to-solution communication via APIs, expanding the capabilities of your product or application. 
  • Offers open-source code as well as niche and customizable Visual Development templates, preventing vendor lock-in, putting the user’s needs first. 

Want to reach your 2024 app development goals? Today!